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The smart choice for any requirement.

The refinement of SuperDente finds its expression in the perfection of the galvanic finishing whose wide range allows to satisfy all the application requirements.

Its aptitude to a very easy opening and closing makes the SuperDente a valuable product with a pleasant touch sensation given by the perfect smooth of its teeth thus creating an exclusive look to the clothes. The SuperDente zippers are the smartest solution for leather goods, leather clothes or any other high quality dress.
Superdente Zipper
Finishing Pure Gold
Finishing Pink Gold
Finishing Silver
Finishing Copper
Finishing Antique Copper
Finishing Palladium
Finishing Brass
Finishing Antique Brass
Finishing Multicolor
Finishing Nikel
Finishing Dull Nikel
Finishing Antique Nikel
Finishing Dull Gun
Finishing Dark Petwer
UNIT C&C Ipari és Kereskedelmi Kft H-5720 SARKAD, 4759/12-13. hrsz. Magyarország/Hungary
Tel: +36-66/572-190 - Fax: +36-66/572-180 - E-mail unitcc@unitcc.hu - Adószám: 12529023-2-04 - Cégjegyzékszám: 04-09-015433